When Is It Time to Replace a Commercial Air Conditioner?

Dependable Service Since 1926

You can’t effectively run your business when your business space is uncomfortable due to inaccurate temperatures. Replacing a commercial air conditioner is a big decision, but at some point it may be necessary. If it’s time for your current commercial AC to retire, it’s imperative to hire commercial HVAC experts for the installation. The air conditioning pros at Bell Plumbing and Heating have been offering comprehensive heating and cooling services in Denver, CO, since 1926, and we are here to help you with every step of your commercial air conditioning replacement – all you have to do is give us a call.

Signs It’s Time for Replacement

It can be difficult to tell when it’s time to replace your current commercial air conditioning system, particularly if it is still operating. But just because it’s running doesn’t mean it’s running well. Here are some factors to consider when it comes to replacing your commercial AC:

  • Age of the system – age plays a huge role in any mechanical system, and when it comes to air conditioners, age can increase a number of problems, including malfunctions, breakdowns and decreased energy efficiency. The lifespan for the average commercial system is 10-15 years, so if yours has reached maturity, it may be time to see what a new system can do for your business.
  • Performance – is there uneven cooling throughout your office space? Is your space being adequately cooled, or is it warm and humid? Subpar working conditions can effect performance and make your customers uncomfortable, all of which can cost you money.
  • Energy efficiency – one of the telltale signs of a system that isn’t working efficiently is high energy bills. An aging system will have a hard time being energy efficient, which means you could be losing money every month in utility bills by staying with an aging, energy deficient system.

A new commercial air conditioner can keep your business space cool and dry while also delivering better performance. Call the experts at Bell Plumbing and Heating today and see if it’s time to replace your commercial AC in Denver, CO.

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