Tools Plumbers Use for Slab Leak Detection

Dependable Service Since 1926

A slab leak is the name the plumbing industry uses to refer to the leaks that occur in piping located beneath concrete or stone, usually in a home’s foundation. These leaks are often difficult for homeowners to detect (until the damage becomes serious) and require special tools for plumbers to locate them. Precision equipment is necessary because repairing slab leaks often involves excavation to reach the pipes. The narrower the digging area, the less damage the plumber will need to do to a home’s construction material.

Call Denver’s Professional Plumbers

With the trained plumbers from Bell Plumbing and Heating working on any slab leak in Centennial, CO you may experience, you will have the troubled solved quickly and with minimal damage to your home’s foundations. Our plumbers will bring the best slab leak detection equipment available, including:

Electronic amplification equipment

This is a fancy way of describing listening equipment. The sound sensors used in slab leak detection are designed to hear through layers of hardscape to locate the sound of dripping or gushing water. (A simple stethoscope will not do this job.) One of the common devices is the multi-sensor ground microphone.

Electromagnetic pipeline locators

These tools work something like radio antennas: they send out signals of electrons which they then pick up using a receiver, allowing the plumber to map out the pipe location under the slabs and find anomalies. These are extremely useful for non-metallic pipes.

Gas tracer systems

A problem that aural sensors can encounter when trying to find leaks is that an area can have too much noise for the plumber to effectively make out the sounds of the leaking pipe. In these situations, gas tracer systems are an excellent solution, pinpointing leaks with specially designed probes. They are also useful for very deep leaks where listening equipment is ineffective.

Video pipe inspection equipment

If plumbers can access an entrance to the affected pipe, the can use miniaturized cameras on the end of fiber-optic cables to probe down into the pipeline. The video feed on a monitor allows the plumber a view of the pipe interior that will locate the exact spot of the leak.

There’s one more important tool that plumbers bring to leak detection: their own minds. Plumbers have training to use the equipment to get the right results. Without the proper education, these tools are essentially useless. Contact the leak detection experts at Bell Plumbing and Heating if you think you may have a leak somewhere in your home.

When you notice that you might have a slab leak. Call for the plumbing experts at Bell Plumbing and Heating to handle detecting a slab leak or any plumbing services in Centennial, CO.

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